Monday, 9 April 2012

UDK Challenge WIP

Working on some exterior meshes using stock UDK assets only. BSP and Kismet for internals set up and working ok. I still need to do the large front door meshes.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Back to basics.

A few days ago (an awesome video tutorial site) ran a free 5 hour UDK class for beginners. It was very well done and covered lots of stuff. 

In any case, I decided to pose a challenge for UDK beginners. The brief was simple: 

Construct a simple level using the assets provided with UDK.

I also decided to do it myself; recently I've been really focused on creating assets, and not actual level design. It can't be a bad thing to come go back to basics as it were and throw some stuff together. Bellow is the floor plan with some notes.